Our author

Marie Evart

Meet Marie, the Co-Founder, Community Manager, and heart and soul of Teamdash. Marie is driven to bridge the gap between marketing and human resources by using her extensive background as a hands-on recruiter and agency CEO.

Marie has worked in HR for over a decade. She started out as a recruitment consultant at one of the biggest job boards in the Baltic region and then moved on to a position of Technical Recruiter at Playtech – a startup which gained unicorn status ($1 billion evaluation) in 2007.

Marie quickly realised that the old way of recruiting does not cut it anymore, and in 2014, she founded an employer branding agency, Brandem, together with two of her peers who felt the same frustration.

As a recruitment agency CEO, she wanted to provide the best possible tools for recruiters. She started looking for recruitment software that makes candidate management, automation, and recruitment marketing easy for any recruiter.

Not finding the right fit on the market, she founded Teamdash with Paavo Heil and Karl-Sander Erss in 2020. From the get-go, the purpose was to automate all routine and time-consuming recruitment tasks to leave recruiters time for meaningful and impactful tasks that help attract, hire and retain the best talent.

Fast-forward to 2024, and Teamdash has won the hearts of over 3500+ active users who can save up to 12 hours of time per project and cut 22% of the costs while offering the best candidate experience.

Marie has been a speaker at many conferences and seminars, trained recruiters and managers both in the public and private sectors and given lectures at Estonian Business School and TalTech University. She has consulted many local and international companies on recruitment automation, employer branding and recruitment marketing strategies and techniques.

Marie's blog posts

ATS Migration

ATS Migration: Everything You Need to Know

ATS migration isn't like moving houses where you inevitably lose a box or two. With meticulous planning and a sprinkle of tech wizardry, data migration can be as smooth as your favourite jazz playlist.
Career Site Best Practices

10 Career Site Best Practices to Wow Candidates

In today's digital age, your career site is often the first impression potential candidates have of your company. A well-crafted site can be a magnet for top talent, making them think, "This is it. This is where I want to be!". Let's talk turkey about how you can make your career site not just good, but great.