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Browse through our collection of free e-books and get top-notch hiring insights to improve your hiring processes.
How to choose questions for job interviews?
Ebook that will help you to have more meaningful conversations, with recommendations from 12 international recruitment experts and 30+ questions to make your job interviews more effective. Helped by recruitment experts from Veriff, Nortal, EY, Accolade, Modularbank, Viveo Health, Scoro, Pipedrive, Testlio, Brandem, and Nico, we have put together an ebook to help you have more meaningful conversations with your candidates. Instead of asking typical questions like “Where do you see yourself in 5 years?” or “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, take time and think – what do you want to achieve with the job interview?
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50+ questions that will help you to choose the best recruitment software
To help you save time on research, we put together an ebook with the most insightful questions you should be asking from different recruitment software vendors. You will find the questions categorised into eight groups: Recruitment Marketing, Video Interviews, Applicant Management, Scheduling and Interviewing, Recruitment Project Management, Recruitment Statistics and Reports, Customer Support, Security, GDPR and Integrations.
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