If you regularly turn to external recruitment agencies to help you with your hiring needs, you’ve probably encountered the concept of 180 and 360 recruitment before. Unless you’ve worked with a 360 180 recruitment company before, these terms can be confusing. While both models ultimately deliver the same results and can be utilised for in-house recruitment, there’s a significant difference between 180 and 360 recruitment.
180 recruitment focuses on finding and screening desirable candidates for the roles you’re advertising, before relinquishing control when it comes to interview and selection. However, a 360 recruitment specialist takes a more involved role in the overall process, from seeking out the best candidates for the job to ultimately selecting a suitable candidate who closely aligns with the needs of the company. Still confused? Below, we break down the key difference between 180 and 360 recruitment so you can decide on the best approach for your business.
360 recruitment
To find an answer to the 180 vs 360 recruitment debate, you first need to understand how each approach works. Let’s start with the 360 recruitment process. 360 models are considered a full cycle recruitment service, handling everything from finding suitable candidates for an advertised position to overseeing salary negotiations.
The 360 model has been around since the 1980s, when recruitment agencies first came into existence. During those early days of the recruitment sector, it wasn’t uncommon for companies to part with significant commissions if the right clients and candidates were found.
However, being able to source candidates for specific roles was no easy task, especially before the advent of the internet. What’s more, an account manager was expected to be involved in all aspects of the recruitment process. Unsurprisingly, the best 360 recruitment specialists could command serious salaries in their own right.
Key elements of the 360 recruitment model
Sometimes referred to as cycle recruiting, 360 recruitment is considered a complete recruitment solution. Recruiters first liaise with those looking to fill a vacancy. During this discussion, the specifics of the role are hammered out. After being sourced and shortlisted, potential candidates typically undergo an extensive assessment to determine their suitability for a role.
Eventually, a chosen few candidates are singled out as being suitable for a vacancy and progress to the interview stage. Many 360 recruiters participate in this, and, once a candidate is selected, they can serve as an intermediary between the candidate and the company itself. 360 recruitment specialists will also take charge of background checks, verifying qualifications and fully vetting employees before starting work.
180 recruitment
While 180 and 360 recruitment both aim to find the best person for the job, 180 recruitment models are more streamlined. When looking at 180 recruitment vs 360, the key difference is that they tend to focus on finding the best candidate for a job, rather than business development and seeking out new clients.
Sometimes referred to as delivery consultants, 180 recruiters face a less demanding schedule than their 360 counterparts. In many cases, 180 recruiters are called upon to find highly skilled candidates to fill in-demand roles in sectors like the legal profession or IT development. In the case of in-house recruitment, 180 recruiters may be called upon when there’s a significant talent drought.
Key elements of the 180 recruitment model
As they’re typically used to find sought-after candidates to fill specific roles, 180 recruiters tend to operate to very tight schedules. However, with other recruitment tasks assigned elsewhere, the 180 model is a good option for time-sensitive situations where a vacancy needs to be filled quickly.
With fewer processes involved than the 360 model, 180 recruitment also tends to be cheaper. Candidates are usually sourced by entry-level recruiters, with account managers taking care of more important responsibilities. What’s more, with recruiters not having to spread themselves too thinly, they can dedicate more energy to understanding the specific needs of a client.

360 vs 180 recruitment: which one is better?
Now that we’ve established the specifics of each model, we can finally settle the 360 recruitment vs 180 recruitment debate. To do this, we’ll take a closer look at the pros and cons of each model.
Pros and Cons of 360 Recruitment
For businesses, 180 360 recruitment models can help alleviate the pressures on senior team members and HR teams. As well as having in-depth knowledge about the industry a company operates in, a 360 recruiter should also have a firm grasp on the current state of the job market. In theory, this means that vacancies can be filled incredibly quickly. With one person managing the majority of the recruitment process, there’s less scope for human error and miscommunication. Ultimately, you stand a good chance of securing the best talent for the role you’re advertising for.
The downside to 360 recruitment? Despite being incredibly skilled, 360 specialists tend to work on many recruitment assignments at once. As such, there’s always a chance one vacancy isn’t being given the priority it needs. As a 360 recruitment consultant is involved in many different steps, the overall hiring process can take a while. The longer you leave a vacancy unfilled, the greater the cost to your company. Finally, finding a reliable 360 recruiter isn’t an easy task for your business. With so few specialists available, you may struggle to find the right specialists to bring into the fold.
Pros and Cons of 180 Recruitment
The main difference between 180 and 360 recruitment is that the 180 model tends to suit companies that need to find a good fit for a role quickly. What’s more, 180 recruiters are more readily available than 360 ones, which, combined with fewer processes, results in significant savings for businesses using their services.
Unsurprisingly, these savings come at a cost. 180 recruitment usually involves tasks being assigned to different teams, increasing the likelihood of miscommunication. Failure to include important information about the role can lead to mismatched candidates being forwarded for a job, which can extend the process unnecessarily. Additionally, 180 recruiters often have less knowledge about the specific industry sectors and the job market as a whole, especially if they’re new to an organisation. Once again, this can easily lead to unsuitable candidates being shortlisted for a position.
Take charge of the hiring process with recruitment software
Have you made your decision between 180 or 360 recruitment? Whether you’re using social media to source candidates or using professional networks to find the best talent, recruitment software makes filling those urgent vacancies a breeze.
With Teamdash, you have all the tools you need to overhaul in-house recruitment. This complete applicant tracking system ensures nobody will slip through the net, while you can easily connect with all the usual recruiter tools and automate those more time-intensive tasks. If you’re thinking of using social media to recruit, Teamdash can help you keep on top of things like ad budgets, as well as deploy cross-channel campaigns to reach as many candidates as possible. What’s more, analytics are on hand so you can keep an eye on performance and measure return on your investment.
Ready to discover more ways Teamdash can help you with your hiring goals? Book a demo today to get started.