How to ask candidates for feedback on your hiring process

How to ask feedback from candidates on your hiring process

Embarking on a quest to refine your recruitment journey? The key lies in candidate feedback on the interview process – a treasure trove of insights often untapped. Join us as we explore the art of eliciting honest, valuable feedback, transforming your hiring strategy into a candidate’s dream.

Why getting feedback from your candidates is important

It’s like a mirror for your recruitment process

Ever looked in the mirror and wondered, “Is this really what I look like?” Well, candidate feedback does the same for your recruitment process. It’s a reality check. Candidates can provide an unfiltered view of what works and what makes them want to run for the hills. By understanding their perspective, you’re not just improving their experience; you’re also buffing up your employer brand to a dazzling shine.

It helps you fix what’s broken (before it’s too late)

Imagine driving a car without ever servicing it – eventually, it’s going to break down. Ignoring feedback from candidates is similar. You might not notice the small issues at first, but over time, they can turn into major roadblocks. Feedback helps you identify and fix these problems before they deter top talent from even applying.

It gives you a competitive edge

In the cutthroat world of talent acquisition, every little advantage counts. When you use candidate feedback effectively, you’re not just fixing issues; you’re also uncovering opportunities to stand out. Maybe it’s your seamless interview process or the way you make each candidate feel valued – whatever it is, it’s gold.

Enhancing the Candidate Experience

Remember that candidates are like customers – they talk. A positive recruitment experience can turn them into ambassadors for your brand, while a negative one… let’s just say, word travels fast. Feedback helps you iron out those pesky wrinkles in your process, ensuring every candidate feels like they’ve hit the recruitment jackpot, even if they don’t land the job.

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Building a Strong Employer Brand

Your employer brand is your love letter to potential candidates. Feedback ensures this letter reads more like a Shakespearean sonnet and less like a cringe-worthy text from your ex. It’s about creating an image that screams, “Work with us, we’re awesome!”, and actually meaning it.

When should you ask for feedback from your candidates?

Right after the interview – strike while the iron is hot

Timing is everything, and when it comes to feedback, fresher is better. Asking candidates for their thoughts right after the interview captures their raw, unfiltered impressions. It’s like getting a snapshot of their experience while it’s still vivid in their minds.

At the end of the process – a full-circle view

Once a candidate has gone through the entire recruitment journey, they’ve got the full picture. This is your chance to get comprehensive feedback on everything from the application process to the final decision. It’s like reading the last page of a book and understanding the whole story.

After they’ve joined your team – the insider’s perspective

If a candidate becomes an employee, their feedback is like gold dust. They’ve seen both sides of the coin and can provide insights you might not get from external candidates. Plus, their feedback can help you smooth the transition for future hires.

How to ask for feedback about your hiring process

Choosing the Right Medium

Selecting the right medium for your feedback request is like choosing the perfect communication channel – it should be comfortable and familiar to your audience. Email and online surveys are the stalwarts of feedback collection, reliable and straightforward. They’re like the trusty old cafes where everyone feels at ease. But sometimes, a personal touch can make a world of difference. Sending a personalised email is akin to inviting someone for a one-on-one coffee chat – it shows you value their individual experience and are genuinely interested in their specific insights.

How to ask feedback from candidates on your recruitment process

This approach can make the candidate feel like they’re in an exclusive recruitment club, where their opinions are not just heard, but eagerly anticipated. It’s about striking the right balance between efficiency and personalisation. While online surveys are fantastic for gathering quantitative data, a personalised email can elicit more qualitative, in-depth responses, providing a richer and more nuanced understanding of the candidate’s experience.

Easily send automatic feedback requests

Make it as easy as pie

Let’s face it, no one wants to fill out a survey that’s as long and tedious as a bad first date. Keep it short, sweet, and to the point. Use simple, straightforward questions that get straight to the heart of their experience. Think of it like a quick coffee catch-up rather than a full-blown dinner date. Remember, the easier it is for candidates to provide feedback, the more likely they will do it. So, design your feedback process like you’re making a user-friendly app – intuitive, quick, and maybe even a little fun. The goal? To get valuable insights without making candidates feel like they’re sitting a GCSE exam.

Anonymous or Attributed?

Ever tried giving honest feedback when you know it might come back to haunt you? Not fun, right? Ensuring anonymity encourages candidates to be open and honest without fear of repercussions. It’s like a superhero mask for their true opinions. When candidates know their feedback won’t affect future opportunities or ruffle any feathers, they’re more likely to be transparent. This is crucial for gathering genuine insights. Think of it as setting up a confession booth at a festival – it’s a safe space for real talk.

On the other hand, attributed feedback can be like having a face-to-face conversation. It allows for more nuanced understanding and sometimes, a chance to dive deeper. It’s like comparing a masked ball with a coffee date – both have their allure, but the latter can sometimes lead to more meaningful connections.

Use a mix of open and closed questions

Variety is the spice of life and the key to a good feedback form. Mix closed questions for quantifiable data with open-ended questions for qualitative insights. It’s a bit like having a balanced diet – you need both to stay healthy. Closed questions are like your carbs – quick to consume and easy to measure. Open-ended questions, on the other hand, are like your proteins – they require a bit more chewing but offer deeper nourishment in terms of insights. Together, they provide a comprehensive understanding of the candidate’s experience, like a well-rounded meal for your recruitment strategy.

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The Importance of Feedback from Rejected Candidates

Turning Rejection into Reflection

It’s easy to focus on the ones who make it through the gauntlet of interviews and land the job. But what about those who don’t? Rejected candidates are like the unsung heroes of your recruitment saga, offering a treasure trove of insights.

Why their feedback is gold

Rejected candidates can often provide more candid feedback. They’ve been through your process, felt the highs and the lows, and have nothing to lose by being honest. Their feedback is like a backstage pass to the parts of your recruitment show that might need a bit more rehearsal.

How to ask without adding salt to the wound

Tact is key here. You want to be as delicate as asking a stranger if they’ve got something stuck in their teeth. A polite, empathetic approach can go a long way. Acknowledge their effort, thank them for their time, and gently invite them to share their thoughts. It’s about making them feel valued, despite not getting the job.

Asking for feedback from candidates examples and templates

The “Quick Check-In” Template

“Hi [Candidate’s Name],

We hope you found our interview process enlightening and not as daunting as finding a parking spot in central London. Could you spare a moment to let us know how we did? It’s a 3-question survey – shorter than a TikTok video. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and rest assured, it’s as anonymous as a novelist’s pen name. Thank you!

[Link to Survey]”

The “Deep Dive” Template

“Dear [Candidate’s Name],

We’re constantly striving to improve our recruitment process, and who better to help us than someone who’s experienced it firsthand? We’d be grateful if you could provide detailed feedback on your journey with us. Your insights are as crucial to us as a cup of tea is to a rainy day in the UK. And don’t worry, it’s completely anonymous.

[Link to Detailed Survey]”

The “Post-Hire Perspective” Template

“Hello [New Employee’s Name],

Congratulations on joining the team! As a fresh pair of eyes in our company, your perspective on our recruitment process is as valuable as a secret family recipe. We would love to hear about your experience, from clicking ‘apply’ to your first day on the job. Remember, your feedback is as anonymous as a masked ball attendee, so feel free to be candid.

[Link to Feedback Form]”

The “Graceful Exit” Feedback Request from rejected candidates

“Dear [Candidate’s Name],

We truly appreciate the time and effort you invested in applying for [Position]. While we had to make a tough decision, your input is important to us. If you’re willing, we’d love to hear about your experience with our recruitment process. Your feedback will help us improve and ensure a better experience for future candidates. As always, your responses will remain anonymous.

Thank you for your valuable time and insights.

[Link to Feedback Survey]”

How to ask feedback from candidates

The Role of Technology in Streamlining Feedback Collection

In this digital age, technology is like a Swiss Army knife for the recruitment process, especially when it comes to collecting feedback. Tools like Teamdash aren’t just about tracking applicants; they’re about transforming the entire feedback collection into a sleek, efficient machine. Imagine automated surveys being sent out at just the right moment in the recruitment process – as seamless as a well-oiled conveyor belt.

Moreover, these tools offer customization options, allowing you to tailor your surveys to extract the most relevant information. This customization is akin to having a bespoke suit – it fits your specific needs perfectly. By leveraging such technology, the feedback process becomes not just more efficient but also more insightful, leading to a more refined and candidate-centered recruitment strategy.

See Automations and Custom Forms in action

Wrapping it up: The Art of Candidate Feedback

Let’s face it, asking for feedback might feel like eagerly waiting for a text after a first date – nerve-wracking but necessary. It’s all about continuous improvement, staying ahead of the game, and ensuring your recruitment process is as smooth as a freshly ironed shirt.

Remember, the goal of feedback isn’t just to pat ourselves on the back or dwell on the negatives. It’s about evolving, adapting, and ensuring that your candidates’ journey through the recruitment process is nothing short of spectacular. After all, in the grand theatre of recruitment, the candidates are not just the audience but also the critics.

So go ahead, ask for that feedback, tweak your process, and watch as your recruitment strategy transforms from good to great. And if you need a little help along the way, Teamdash is just a click away.

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Marie Evart

Co-founder & Community Manager

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How to Give Feedback to Candidates

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How to give feedback to candidates