Interview confirmation email: How to write it and templates

Live video interview software

Ensuring that interview details are accurately communicated and confirmed is crucial in the recruitment process. An interview confirmation email serves to verify the date, time, and location of an interview, providing a professional touchpoint between the employer and candidate. This blog post will guide you on when to use an interview confirmation email and what should be included, along with providing three effective templates.

When to use an interview confirmation email:

An interview confirmation email should be sent whenever an interview is scheduled with a candidate.

This applies to:

By sending a confirmation email, you ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the interview logistics, which helps prevent any scheduling conflicts and helps avoid wasting time for both the candidate, hiring manager and you.


Asynchronous video interview software

Asynchronous video interviews are a great option for positions with a high volume of candidates. Teamdash ATS provides everything necessary to prepare, host and analyse asynchronous video interviews right within the applicant tracking system.

What should be included in an interview confirmation email:

Setting up an interview confirmation email involves following a few key steps:

  1. Subject Line: Create a clear and concise subject line indicating the content of the email.
  2. Greeting: Address the candidate by their first or full name.
  3. Purpose: State the purpose of the email in the subject line and in text.
  4. Interview Details: Include the date, time, location, and interviewer’s information.
  5. Preparation Instructions: Provide any necessary instructions or requirements. If the interview is on site, make sure to include parking details, how to get in to the office, the floor of your office etc.
  6. Contact Information: Offer a way for the candidate to contact you with questions or rescheduling needs.
  7. Closing: Thank the candidate for their time and interest and express anticipation for the meeting.

3 interview confirmation email templates:

Template 1: Standard interview confirmation email

Subject: Interview Confirmation for [Position] at [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

We are pleased to confirm your upcoming interview for the [Position] role at [Company Name].

Interview Details:

  • Date: [Date]
  • Time: [Time]
  • Location: [Address or Online Platform]
  • Interviewer: [Interviewer’s Name and Title]

Preparation Instructions: Please bring a copy of your resume and any other relevant documents. If the interview is virtual, ensure you have a stable internet connection and a quiet place for the interview.

If you have any questions or need to reschedule, please contact me at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number].

Thank you for your interest in joining our team. We look forward to meeting you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company Name]

Template 2: Virtual interview confirmation email

Subject: Virtual Interview Confirmation for [Position] at [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

We are excited to confirm your virtual interview for the [Position] role at [Company Name].

Interview Details:

  • Date: [Date]
  • Time: [Time]
  • Platform: [Zoom/Teams/Google Meet/Other]
  • Meeting Link: [Link]
  • Interviewer: [Interviewer’s Name and Title]

Preparation Instructions: Please ensure you have a stable internet connection, a working webcam, and a quiet place for the interview. Also, have a copy of your resume and any other relevant documents ready.

If you have any questions or need to reschedule, feel free to contact me at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number].

We look forward to speaking with you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company Name]


Interview email template. How to set up an interview email template in your ATS.

Teamdash applicant tracking system offers an easy way to automate recurring tasks in your recruitment processes. Use email templates to thank candidates for applying, send out rejection emails to unqualified candidates, invite candidates to interviews and much more. Teamdash has proven to save up to 22 hours per open position on average. 

Template 3: Follow-up interview confirmation email

Subject: Follow-Up Interview Confirmation for [Position] at [Company Name]

Dear [Candidate’s Name],

Thank you for your continued interest in the [Position] role at [Company Name]. We are pleased to confirm your follow-up interview.

Interview Details:

  • Date: [Date]
  • Time: [Time]
  • Location: [Address or Online Platform]
  • Interviewers: [Interviewer’s Names and Titles]

Preparation Instructions: Please bring any additional documents that were requested. For virtual interviews, ensure a stable internet connection and a quiet place for the interview.

If you have any questions or need to reschedule, please contact me at [Your Email] or [Your Phone Number].

We look forward to discussing this opportunity further with you.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Company Name]

Using these templates will help streamline your recruitment process and ensure clear communication with candidates. For more recruitment tips and tools, explore Teamdash and enhance your hiring process today.


In conclusion, using concise interview invitation email templates helps maintain a positive relationship with candidates and enhances your employer brand. Providing candidates with all necessary information related to the time, place and technology needed to conduct the interview will help you make sure you don’t waste time on back and forth email communication where it can be avoided.

For more tips and resources on recruitment processes, check out our other blog posts and guides. If you want to see other email templates, you can read about how to send an email to offer a job.

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