Matthew Wohl – the Recruiter who says what you’re thinking


🏆 Want to get to know the TOP10 Recruiter in Canada? Here’s your chance as this week’s ‘Meet the Expert’ interview brings the spotlight to Matthew Wohl, the CEO of Recruitment Made Easy.

With a LinkedIn following of over 80k people and engaging and humorous posts about the intricacies and behind-the-scenes look at the recruiter’s life, Matthew has established himself as a voice to recon with both online and offline.

You can access his 10-step career e-guide here. It’s a 77-page guide that helps take your career to another level.

How did you get started in HR? Was working in the field something you always wanted to do?

13 years ago, I walked into a recruiter’s office looking for a job in sports, and I was treated very poorly. I was ghosted and not given an opportunity to showcase my experience. 1 week later, I started my own recruiting company, knowing I could treat people better.

What would you say is a common misconception about the work of a recruiter/TA manager/HR professional? What can be done to change that?

Recruiters are far down the line of decision-makers. More often than not there are a lot hands in the cookie jar that override the recruiters initial decision to move someone forward.

How did you discover your strengths/area of expertise? What are your tips for keeping your skills and knowledge up-to-date?

I am a people person who believes there should be a level playing field. I keep my skills up to date by constantly engaging with my followers and clients to know what can be provided to make their experiences better.

What are some of the most rewarding experiences or achievements you’ve had in your career so far?

Everything about recruitment is rewarding to me. Whether you are finding someone a job or filling a job, knowing that you are impactful in a person’s career is a special feeling.

What kind of experiences have you had as a candidate yourself? Any experiences that stand out?

I learned a lot early on before I started my own business. The big recruitment agencies treat people as a number, and if you don’t ask enough questions as a candidate, you are not giving yourself the best chance to secure your next role.

Transferable skills are the future. People will industry shift more frequently now as their skills can be utilized more with the advancements in certain technologies.

What is your biggest takeaway or learning from 2023?

You need to upskill as a candidate constantly, or your job will never be secure, no matter how big of a company you work for.

What tools that you use in your day-to-day work are the most valuable to you?

LinkedIn. The entire working world is at your fingertips.

What are the most critical skills and qualities a recruiter/TA manager should possess to succeed in this field?

Time Management and Patience.

Do you track any recruitment metrics in your day-to-day work?

I compare myself to yesterday. As long as I am doing a bit better, I know I am doing well.

Do you have any tips for networking and approaching your target audience?

Connect with like-minded career professionals. If you’re a tech recruiter, connect with other tech recruiters.

Recommend us 3 books/TV shows/podcasts and let us know why you love them.

  • A Family Man (movie)
  • Suits (TV)
  • Getting Hired: The 10 Step Guide (e-guide)

I love these because they all teach you the good and bad of business, recruitment and how to get started.

How do you know when it’s time to take some time off to avoid burnout?

I don’t burn out because I’ve created a system that won’t let me. I spend a lot of time with family and travel often. You can’t let bad days compound.

If you could give a tip to a 7-year-old self, what would it be?

Become more tech-savvy.

What motivates you professionally?

Changing lives for the better, both for my clients and my candidates.

How would you describe your job to people considering transitioning into recruitment/talent management, writing a book or why not even becoming a Top Voice on LinkedIn?

It’s not for everyone. There will be more downs than ups, but the ups outweigh the downs.

Thank you, Matthew, for sharing your experience and tips.

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Merilyn Uudmae


Content Marketing Manager

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Engaging hiring managers in the recruitment process