Differences between Employer Brand and Employer Value Proposition (EVP)

Difference between employer brand and EVP

When you’re working to develop your business recruitment strategy, it can take a while to get used to all of the jargon! So don’t worry, because in this blog we’re going to cover two of the main concepts and talk about the differences between the employer brand and employer value proposition (EVP).

These two concepts are fundamental within talent acquisition strategies, and they get thrown around a lot by HR and recruitment professionals. But they’re not always fully understood, and they’re also sometimes – incorrectly – used interchangeably.

For example, although employer brands and employer value propositions are similar in their objective (making your business an employer of choice), they aren’t the same things. For example, you can’t control your employer brand, even if you can control your EVP.

Employer Brand

Every business has an employer brand, whether or not they have sought to develop one actively. Most organisations now actively curate, develop and evolve their employer brands in the same way that they do marketing brands. The employer brand lets the business define and differentiate itself in the labour market and attract, recruit and retain talent.

Every organisation wants the finest talent, so they invest in their employer brand to create a sense of place and to position the business as a desirable choice for great employees. Workers constantly pick up information about different companies through news, internet searches, informal networks, social media and other channels, even when they aren’t actively job hunting.

A good employer brand will resonate with talented individuals and sit in their minds. It will help to create an understanding of the business’s identity, values, EVP, and overall culture.

Employer Value Proposition

The employer value proposition (EVP) is a definition of the organisation’s unique benefits that employees gain when they give their skills, knowledge and attributes as employees. It essentially covers three things: what the business stands for, what it offers to employees, and what it requires in return.

Every new staff member brings something fresh and new to a business, and the corporate culture is reinforced by the people who work there. This affects everything from key decision-making to motivation and engagement. When staff feel connected to their employer, they are more inclined to perform well and continue reinforcing the culture.

The EVP is there to engage and motivate employers, whether that’s by retaining the business’s existing top performers or attracting other talented people into new roles.

Differences between Employer Brand and EVP

So now that we understand the features of these two concepts, what are the differences between Employer Brand and Employer Value Proposition (EVP)? Here are the main:

1. Scope

The employer brand is an organisation’s reputation as a recruiter and employer of people. It evolves according to the authentic and lived experiences of the people who work there. Employer brands can be shaped and guided, but ultimately, they only work when they are accurate and reflective of the internal culture.

The employer value proposition is the narrative that describes what the business stands for (identity, purpose and values, for example), what it offers to its people (progression, training, flexibility, a variety of rewards, a positive culture, etc) and what it wants from employees in return (performance, engagement, commitment and so forth.)

2. Control

As we mentioned previously, the scope of control is another of the main differences between Employer Brand and Employer Value Proposition (EVP). An organisation has total control over its EVP because it decides how to define it, how to write it and what to include.

In theory, it could say anything that it wants (although ultimately, it must be authentic and true to be successful.) However, an employer brand is something that evolves within the labour marketplace and is beyond the control of the organisation itself. That organisation can attempt to positively influence it with its choice of engagement and communication materials, but it cannot control external perceptions.

3. Flux

Another differentiating factor refers to the nature of the two concepts. The EVP is defined and then fixed in writing. It doesn’t vary or change with each person’s understanding or engagement with it. However, the employer brand evolves or changes with the market’s perception. An organisation can pump out positive messaging, but the employer brand will immediately be affected if a newspaper runs with a negative press story.

Relation between Employer Brand and Employer Value Proposition

Ultimately, the EVP underpins the employer brand and forms its foundation. By defining the principles and values of the organisation, the culture is both reflected and guided positively. By explaining to candidates what the organisation will offer and what the organisation expects from its employees, the tone for the culture and working environment is set. This is particularly important in the modern world of flexible working.

When the organisation is clearly dedicated to a single, intentional and clear purpose, its employer brand improves through reviews, the working atmosphere, word of mouth and general advocacy.

The EVP also acts as a guide for messaging and informs employer brand communication activities. Because candidates can clearly understand what your organisation is all about – and what it expects – the chances of making successful hires improve, and so does employee retention.

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